
The FutureScenarios module is an integral part of the T-reX project, enabling the creation of future scenario databases. It leverages the premise Python package to generate future scenario databases based on integrated assessment models (IAMs) for brightway2 projects.


Before using the FutureScenarios module, it’s crucial to set up your desired scenarios in the user_settings.py file. This configuration determines the specific scenarios the module will process.

Configuring Projects and Premise Settings

  • Project Settings: Define the base and target projects for the scenarios. For instance, project_premise_base as the source, and project_premise as the destination project.

  • Database Selection: Specify the database to use, like ecoinvent-3.9.1-cutoff.

  • Premise Key: A key is required for accessing premise functionality. It can be hardcoded or read from a file.

  • Multiprocessing and Batch Size: Decide on using multiprocessing and the size of batches to process scenarios.

  • Deletion Settings: Choose whether to delete existing projects before creating new ones.

Selecting Scenarios

Define the models, SSPs (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways), RCPs (Representative Concentration Pathways), and years you want to explore. The script will then attempt to create databases for each combination of these parameters, provided they are available.


Module Overview

The FutureScenarios module consists of several key functions and a main script that orchestrates the entire process of creating future scenario databases.

Key Functions

  • make_possible_scenario_list: Generates a list of feasible scenarios based on user preferences and available data.

  • check_existing: Checks if a scenario already exists in the project to avoid redundancy.

  • FutureScenarios: The core function that invokes the premise module to create new databases for each specified scenario.

  • MakeFutureScenarios: The main function that calls FutureScenarios if the use_premise flag is set to True.

Process Flow

  1. Initialisation: The script starts by importing necessary libraries and user settings. It sets up logging and changes the working directory if necessary.

  2. Scenario Filtering: It filters out unavailable or existing scenarios.

  3. Project Preparation: Depending on user settings, it either uses an existing project or creates a new one.

  4. Scenario Processing: For each scenario, it calls premise to update or create a database reflecting that scenario.

  5. Database Writing: After processing, the script writes the new databases to Brightway2.

  6. Cleanup and Conclusion: The script concludes by adding GWP factors and returning to the original directory.