T-reX Modules

This section provides an overview of the various modules within the T-reX program, each with a brief description and a link to its detailed documentation.

  • `FutureScenarios’: Contains scenarios for future environmental impact assessments.

  • `ExplodeDatabase’: Responsible for expanding a Brightway2 database into detailed exchange lists.

  • `SearchWaste’: Provides functions for searching and categorizing waste-related data.

  • `SearchMaterial’: Enables detailed search and categorization of material-related data within a database.

  • `MakeCustomDatabase’: Facilitates the creation of custom databases for use in environmental impact assessments.

  • ` MethodEditor’: Manages methods within the T-reX program for waste and material footprint calculations.

  • `ExchangeEditor’: Handles the editing and appending of exchanges in Brightway2 databases.

  • `VerifyDatabase’: Performs verification of databases by calculating LCA scores for random activities.